
Wimberley Watts is an interfaith girl who loves to write almost as much as she loves to read. Gathering Pecans is her first novel. She is currently putting the final touches on her second book. The working title for now is, “Before You Leave”_dwp1203-1.

Wimberley lives in Huntsville, Alabama with her husband, John, and their two dogs, Mac and Maddie. They have three grown children, Sarah, Preston, and Christopher, who come home every once in a while.

Wimberley is a cradle Episcopalian who is intrigued by the various paths to God. It’s what inspired her to write Gathering Pecans.

Almost every time she tried to hand off a new favorite book (about religion), she rarely had takers. Often the response was something along the lines of, “I want to read about beautiful people who have lots of money and exciting lives.” So, Wimberley created the Bagby family, each generation more stunning than the next, with tons of money and fabulous lives. And then, woven throughout Gathering Pecans, she was able to slip in the thoughts of some of her favorite theologians, as well as a little bit of history in regards to the Afghanistan of the 90’s. Not to mention, a dynamic leader named, Ahmad Shah Massoud. The Lion of Panjshir.